Slava Isusu Christu! Slava Na Viki! St. Mary's Byzantine Catholic Church is a member of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh and is in full communion with the bishop of Rome.
I am happy to have the opportunity to be on retreat this week with the rest of the priests of the
Archeparchy at Antiochian Village in Ligonier. I was able to attend for the first time last year and it is a wonderful opportunity for prayer and fellowship. I don't like to be away from the parish for too long, but I'm thankful to our guest celebrants who have helped us keep a reasonably normal schedule of Divine Services.
Please mark your calendars for the Adult Education Series at St. George's beginning Tuesday, October 15th at 7:00 pm. The book we will be studying, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary, will be excellent. Carol Fellenstein, who has been volunteering at both St. George's and St. Mary's and has been helping get me organized, will be leading the discussion. I will be attending as my schedule permits, but I wanted this class to be led by someone other than myself. Simply put, between the homily preparation for all our liturgies, preparing couples (two at the moment!) for marriage, teaching RCIA, and a great deal of administrative work, I don't have the creative energy to effectively oversee another class. It is important that some of our parish activities be headed by people other than me, so that we build in a sustainable way, and it is not all dependent upon my efforts and energy.
This upcoming Saturday I will be having my first Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Chapel in Beaver. I will be celebrating there every Saturday at 5:00 pm (which fulfills Sunday obligation) as well as major feast days. It is a beautiful chapel and a wonderful place to celebrate Divine Liturgy. I hope that consistent pastoral care there will help make the Chapel another thriving Byzantine Catholic community. Finally, with a total of seven Divine Liturgies now being offered most weeks between three locations, I am going to implement a new system for requesting liturgy intentions. I ask that all liturgy intentions and stipends be submitted directly to me, so that they can be scheduled. I keep the intentions and stipend in a file, and do not take the stipend until I have completed the liturgy requested. The suggested stipend in the Archeparchy for a liturgy is $20. However, please do not let a lack of money deter you from requesting liturgies. It is important that we offer liturgies for our family members and loved ones and me doing so for you is part of my duty as a priest. If you are not able to pay the full suggested amount or even anything at all, I still will accept liturgy requests. I am thankful to Deacon Tom and JoAnn for scheduling our liturgies in recent years, but the sheer volume of intentions I have begun receiving from various sources is requiring that a centralized system be put in place. A form will be coming out next week that will allow you to request liturgies, including if you have a preference to location and date.