Slava Isusu Christu! Slava Na Viki! St. Mary's Byzantine Catholic Church is a member of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh and is in full communion with the bishop of Rome.
This week following the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee is a fast-free week. Even on Friday, we are permitted and encouraged to eat meat this week so as to ward off any spiritual pride that might enter our hearts before the Great Fast. This week is supposed to be a reminder that it is ultimately through the interior conversion of our hearts and not through external observance of the law that we are justified. While fasting is important, what is most important is that we are in right relationship with God.
A final reminder that we will be having a combined Divine Liturgy next Sunday at 10:00am at St. George followed by a talk by Mother Cecilia, hegumena of Christ the Bridegroom Monastery. There will be no 11am Divine Liturgy at St. Mary's this week.
I hope to have a full Lenten Schedule out by next week and a Holy Week schedule by the end of the month so everyone can plan ahead. I appreciate your patience and understanding as it is not possible to have everything exactly as it has been in the past due to me being entrusted with three separate Churches.